Friday, March 11, 2011

Pao GS-816FC Fiber Disk Array

Baode GS-816FC fiber storage disk array to meet the massive Library, IDC data center, open and public utilities on the throughput bandwidth, access performance, storage ability for demanding business-critical, real-time video editing, digital libraries, online transaction processing, massive data mining to provide material security.

64-bit core technologies: Pao GS-816FC 64-bit RISC CPU, in addition to compatible 32-bit server and operating system, would also be an excellent fit for the market and the popular 64-bit 64-bit server operating system, which is not only the speed fast and compatible with current and future 64-bit hardware and software systems, especially on the hundreds of users simultaneously access the speed performance was particularly evident.

Strength of the reading and writing skills: use of 2Gbps Fibre Channel RAID controller and new controller design, to achieve more powerful processing capability, high-speed ECCSDRAM up to 2GB cache, read and write-back in advance (write-back cache) function, to ensure the disk array read and write operations on the performance.

16 million people also visit: Pao GS-816FC up to 160,000 IOPS maximum (IO per second access number), that is, 16 million people visit the same time, the largest I / O throughput up to 760MB / s (IO per second throughput), especially for hundreds of concurrent users to simultaneously access the above performance requirements, high throughput can be greatly satisfied with college radio and television and streaming media and information inquiries and more requests for visits;

Body mass storage expansion: Pao GS-816FC maximum support 124 drives with a capacity of 18TB, and can use native COREMANAGER management software module management, the software is JAVA-based graphical environment management software, the user can easily disk array control the operational status of each module, and can be intuitive RAID disk array configuration, LUN allocation management, and so many management functions.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Abnormal" Jason Jiang: year one is moral derailment

Jason Jiang saying goes, "once a year derailment is moral." Jason Jiang called "derailment" is that everyone should have a subversive, anti-logical point of view, even in the Jason Jiang's office also hanging of two Chinese characters "abnormal" for employees to change the normal way of thinking. Because he always believed that the doctrine is not necessarily the most conservative safety, but may be the most dangerous.

"Abnormal" and Jason Jiang out of a unusual way. He was doing very different advertising business, more than 30 years of age to have a market value of nearly 80 billion dollars in listed companies, often in two or three cities a day to run around, by foot massage to spend meager than sleep, leisure time ... ... Jason Jiang and Focus Media Holding Limited (Focus) of the story, already familiar, but difficult to duplicate.

In late 2007, when this first Nasdaq-listed stocks into the Chinese media market 100 index constituent stocks satisfied the list, we want to use a new way to interpret Jason Jiang, first proposed to play a swept the world for decades, "Monopoly" game. Then, replace the body applied to the southern spring, "hard", "persistent", try to use "wisdom" play a "Monopoly."

In 2007, this area of the media, "Monopoly" game just for the midfielder.姝ゆ椂鐨勫叏鐞冧簰鑱旂綉甯傚満涓婏紝姣斿皵路鐩栬尐姝e湪瀵瑰瀹e竷锛氬湪2008骞村勾涓?浼戜箣鍓嶏紝浠栧皢鎶婁富瑕佺簿鍔涙姇鍏ュ埌寰蒋鐨勭綉缁滀互鍙婂箍鍛婃湇鍔′笟鍔°?姹熷崡鏄ヤ篃鎶婂叕鍙哥殑閲嶅績浠庣敓娲诲湀濯掍綋閫愭鍚戞暟瀛楀寲濯掍綋杞彉銆?br />

銆??鈥滃緢澶氭椂鍊欙紝鏀惰喘鏄互鎶曡祫鎹㈡椂闂寸殑涓?琛屼负銆傗?姹熷崡鏄ュ湪骞存湯鎺ュ彈鏈姤涓撹鏃惰繖鏍疯瘎浠疯嚜宸辩殑鏀惰喘鍘熷垯锛氣?鍩烘湰鏄袱鏉$嚎锛氱涓?紝鏀惰喘鐢ㄦ潵宸╁浐鐜版湁涓氬姟鐨勪富瀵煎湴浣嶏紱绗簩灏辨槸杩涘叆鍏ㄦ柊棰嗗煙锛岄?杩囦竴涓鍩熷揩閫熸澘鍧楀瀷鐨勬敹璐紝鏋勭瓚璧峰湪杩欎釜棰嗗煙鐨勯瀵兼?涓诲鍦颁綅锛屽苟灞曞紑鏁村悎銆傚綋鐒惰繖涓敹璐竴瀹氭槸鎶㈠崰榫欏ご鎬у叕鍙革紝骞跺繀椤昏浣跨珵浜夋牸灞?彂鐢熸敼鍙樸?鈥?br />



銆??鈥滄垜涓嶈涓哄垎浼楁棤鎵?笉鑳姐?鈥濇睙鍗楁槬鍦ㄦ帴鍙楅噰璁挎椂涓?啀寮鸿皟銆備簨瀹炶瘉鏄庯紝姹熷崡鏄ュ浜庡浣曞湪娓告垙寮?鏃跺氨鍗犻鑷繁鐨勪紭鍔挎繁璋欏叾閬撱?鍒嗕紬2006-2007骞村湪鎵嬫満鍜屼簰鑱旂綉棰嗗煙鐨勪袱涓噸瑕佸彂灞曢樁娈碉紝鍑犱箮鍜屽垎浼楄捣姝ユ椂鐨勫彂灞曟儕浜虹殑闆峰悓銆?003骞达紝姹熷崡鏄ユ妸鈥滃ぇ瀵岀縼鈥濇父鎴忕殑楠板瓙鎺峰悜浜嗘ゼ瀹囪棰戝箍鍛娿?鑰屽悗锛屽垎浼椾富鍔ㄦ寫璧峰拰鑱氫紬浼犲獟鍦ㄦゼ瀹囪棰戦鍩熼噷鐨勫彛姘存垬锛屽綋鎵?湁浜鸿繕鍦ㄨ寰楄繖鍦衡?浜夊惖鈥濈殑缁撴潫閬ラ仴鏃犳湡鏃讹紝杩炵編鍥姐?璐㈠瘜銆嬫潅蹇楃殑骞村害閰峰叕鍙歌瘎閫変腑锛岃瘎浠峰垎浼椾笌鑱氫紬鐨勫叧绯绘椂閮介娴嬶紝鈥滀袱瀹跺叕鍙稿緢鍙兘闀挎湡淇濇寔鐩墠鐨勫競鍦烘牸灞??鈥濅絾鏃堕殧鍗婂勾锛屾睙鍗楁槬宸茬粡寮?涓哄墠閫斿仛浜嗘姷鎶尖?鈥斿埄鐢ㄨ瀺璧勬瘮绔炰簤瀵规墜杩堝嚭浜嗘洿蹇殑涓?锛氬厛鍙戜笂甯傝瀺璧勮幏寰楄祫閲戯紝骞朵笖閫氳繃浠锋牸鎴樿揩浣跨珵浜夊鎵嬫斁寮冧笂甯傜殑鑰冭檻銆?br />

銆??鐜板湪锛岃繕寰堥毦璇翠粈涔堟椂鍊欐槸娓告垙鐨勫熬澹帮紝鍒嗘瀽甯堜滑瀵逛腑鍥戒紶濯掑競鍦虹殑鏈潵鍏呮弧涔愯锛屼篃璁歌繖搴旇鏄柊涓?疆鎴樺満鐨勫紑杈燂紝鏂颁竴杞父鎴忕殑寮?銆傚湪12鏈?8鏃ユ繁澶滀笌姹熷崡鏄ヤ竴涓灏忔椂鐨勭數璇濋噰璁夸腑锛屼粬璋堣捣鍒嗕紬鐨勭儹鎯呭拰绗竴娆℃帴鍙楁垜浠噰璁挎椂鐩告瘮锛屽嚑涔庢鏃犲噺閫??杩欒鎴戜滑鎯宠捣2007骞村勾鍒濓紝姹熷崡鏄ヤ粠鍖椾含棰嗗洖浜?鈥滃畨姘镐紒涓氬濂栧ぇ闄嗕紒涓氬鈥濈О鍙蜂箣鍚庯紝鍦ㄨ嚜宸辩殑鍗氬閲屽啓涓嬭繖鏍蜂竴娈佃瘽锛屼粬鎯冲拰澶у鍒嗕韩杩欐璇勯?涓浼佷笟瀹剁簿绁炴彁鍑虹殑鍥涗釜鑰冮噺鎸囨爣锛?br />
銆??涓??瀵逛紒涓氬拰涓汉璁惧畾涓?釜楂樻爣鍑嗗苟鍧氬畾涓嶇Щ鍦版墽琛屽拰瀹炵幇锛?br />

銆??涓夈?閬彈杩囧法澶х殑澶辫触骞朵笖浠庡け璐ヤ腑鍚稿彇鏁欒锛?br />

銆??姹熷崡鏄ュ湪鏂囦腑鍐欏埌锛氣?鎴戣寰楋紝杩欏嚑涓寚鏍囧浜庢垜锛屽浜庢鍦ㄥ仛浼佷笟鐨勬湅鍙嬪拰灏嗚鍋氫紒涓氱殑鏈嬪弸锛屽簲璇ラ兘鏈夊弬鑰冩剰涔夈?鈥?br />







銆??姹熷崡鏄ワ細寰堝鏃跺?锛屾敹璐槸浠ユ姇璧勬崲鏃堕棿鐨勪竴绉嶈涓恒?鎴戜滑鐨勫師鍒欏熀鏈湁涓や釜锛氱涓?紝鏀惰喘鐢ㄦ潵宸╁浐鐜版湁涓氬姟鐨勪富瀵煎湴浣嶏紝浣犺鐨勭幒璇氬氨鏄繖鏍风殑涓?釜鍦颁綅锛涚浜屽氨鏄繘鍏ュ叏鏂伴鍩燂紝閫氳繃瀵逛竴涓鍩熷揩閫熸澘鍧楀瀷鐨勬敹璐紝鏋勭瓚璧峰湪杩欎釜棰嗗煙鐨勪富瀵煎湴浣嶏紝骞跺睍寮?暣鍚堛?褰撶劧锛岃繖涓敹璐竴瀹氭槸鎶㈠崰榫欏ご鍏徃锛屽苟蹇呴』瑕佷娇绔炰簤鏍煎眬鍙戠敓鏀瑰彉銆傚嚑涔庢墍鏈夋敹璐熀鏈兘鏄繖鏍风殑鍘熷垯銆?br />

銆??鎴戜笉璁や负鍒嗕紬鏃犳墍涓嶈兘锛屾垜浠殑绮惧姏骞朵笉瓒充互鏀寔鍦ㄦ墍鏈夐鍩熼兘鑳芥秹瓒筹紝浣嗘垜涓嶆?韪忕┖銆備粠鏀惰喘濂借?涔嬪悗锛屽垎浼楃殑瀹氫綅寮?鏄庣‘涓烘暟瀛楀寲濯掍綋銆?br />



銆??缁忔祹瑙傚療鎶ワ細鏈?悗涓?釜闂涔熸槸寰堝鎶曡祫鑰呮墍鍏冲績鐨勶紝浣犺兘鍛婅瘔浠栦滑浣犳湭鏉ュ皢甯﹂鍒嗕紬璧板悜鍝噷锛熶綘瀵逛綘鎵?湪鐨勫獟浣撻鍩熺殑鍓嶆櫙鏄惁渚濇棫鐪嬪ソ锛?br />
銆??姹熷崡鏄ワ細浠庡竷灞?搴︽潵璇达紝2006-2007骞达紝鍒嗕紬鍩烘湰宸茬粡瀹屾垚浜嗕粠鏁板瓧鍖栨埛澶栧獟浣撳悜鏁板瓧濯掍綋杞彉鐨勮繃绋嬶紝鐜板湪宸茬粡瀹炵幇妯法涓夊ぇ涓昏鏁板瓧鍖栧獟浣撻鍩熺殑甯冨眬锛屽苟涓斿湪涓夊ぇ棰嗗煙涓凡缁忓崰鎹簡涓诲鍦颁綅銆?br />

銆??鍙互閫忛湶锛屽垎缁堟槑骞磋繕浼氬湪鏂扮殑棰嗗煙鏈夋墍灏濊瘯锛屾垜浠殑鐮旂┒閮ㄩ棬宸茬粡鍦ㄥ仛璋冪爺銆傝繖涓柊鐨勪笟鍔″皢浼氱敱鍒嗕紬鑷繁鍘绘墦閫犮?鐜板湪灏辩暀涓偓蹇靛惂銆?br />


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Monday, October 18, 2010

adsl how to do frequent dropped calls

The author of the ADSL Modem for the Shida 2110EHR V4.5 (Dailu You), and has been achieved through its four machines to share Internet access. Recently, ADSL Modem started very frequently dropped calls. Broadband ADSL Modem connected through after a few minutes, can not open the page, Ping NIC address, no response, ADSL Modem dropped. Reopen ADSL Modem few minutes later, again dropped, so the cycle.

Failure Analysis

Under normal circumstances, ADSL Modem dropped several reasons: line quality issues, ADSL Modem and the flow of excessive heat problems.

First check the line, and ADSL connected phone call clarity, no noise, wiring is also right around there is no high-frequency electrical equipment, ADSL Modem boot process (including dropped later), the indicator is also normal, so rule out the line quality problems. Second, when the discovery of ADSL Modem dropped immediately test its temperature, feeling slightly hot, temperature normal. Since it connects four computers, so unplug the other three computers connected, leaving only one line, fault still, this may exclude the amount of traffic caused by the possibility of failure.

Is ADSL Modem own routing problem. I configure the program, the ADSL Modem is set to dial-up, and then carried out by the computer dial-up Internet access, everything is normal. Is it bad ADSL Modem for routing? At this point I found the software firewall is constantly alert. Showed multiple IP continues to connect the 135,445,2745,6129 other ports. I finally found the cause of the malfunction, the original time when the Internet by routing, public network (Internet) of the IP address is bound together with the ADSL Modem, the absence of open NAT (network address translation), the external connection requests to this address in fact the role of the above in ADSL Modem, ADSL Modem during data transmission, routing time is running at full capacity, when faced with a large number of connection requests, the computing power will be insufficient to result in dropped calls.


First, the computer's IP address and the IP address of ADSL Modem settings in the same network segment. Then enter the ADSL Modem's Web management page. Click on the page "Services" in the "NAT" option, select "Enable" and click "submit" button. Then click the page in the drop-down menu, select "NAT Rule Entry", then click the page "Add" button to add NAT rules will pop up a window, in the "Rule Flavor" column select "BIMAP". In the "Rule ID" column, fill in an ID than the existing rules, large numbers on the line (to ensure that this rule is the last rule, the old rules do not change), in the "Local Address" column casually enter a LAN There is no address, then click the "submit" button.

Finally, back to the home page Web administration page, click on "Admin 鈫?Commit & Reboot 鈫?Commit" save your changes, then click "Reboot" to restart the ADSL Modem.

After such a setting, adsl frequent dropped calls never happened ADSL Modem disconnection phenomenon, thus, failure to resolve. Above is essentially the original role of the ADSL Modem to the LAN connection requests transfer station does not exist in a computer, it can reduce the burden of ADSL Modem, the Internet really will not affect the computer.


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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Shi Yuzhu giant empire base

And Alibaba's Jack Ma only do good business in different human, Shi Yuzhu the controversial choice of health products and online games, as his springboard for a refurbished. These are two big funds do not need a lot of intellectual input to the line of business. Good at learning, good at updating their Shi Yuzhu no shortage of wisdom. The business, he seems to be the top scorer. Melatonin in one shot, brought rolling cash flow, let him have the opportunity to aim at Minsheng Bank and Huaxia Bank's equity investment, investment in online games has also won the "journey" of the capital. General American Investors With China's stocks cautiously optimistic, not easily fitted. But the giant network in the United States, many U.S. investors been deeply stuck. Giant November 1, 2007 just in the New York Stock Exchange, the stock has topped the 20.46 U.S. dollars. But 20 days later fell to the bottom 10.10 U.S. dollars. As of December 21, the stock closed 10.27 U.S. dollars.

Rhythm of the stock market has its ups and downs. But Shi Yuzhu only make the Chinese people's money, then stuck a rational U.S. investors, he holding a giant network of 6.8 billion in cash in the account holder, also holds the hands of the present value of more than 12 billion yuan book's Huaxia Bank and China Minsheng Banking shares, can not be said of the miracle of a business. Although Shi Yuzhu network game on suspicion of "poisoning young people" and controversial, but in Japan, Korea, the United States, Europe and online games industry in the pursuit and interception, but we have the rise of China's online game industry to explore a new path, from even can be attributed to some Business Scriptures of universal significance.

The face of disaster, people often depressed and deeply into the accusations of. Blame others, blame yourself, blame all the acquaintances and strangers. In the unbearable heart and lung of the blame, some people fell, support to continue, collapse, they kill themselves, or fled to the Buddhism. The small number of people able to see the disaster is a person or an organization in transition, the heaven-sent opportunity. God told you earlier the way blocked up, to abandon prejudices or experience to a new angle to look into today's reality. Shi Yuzhu are few such philosophers.

10 years ago, "the giant building" Qingta, 3000 approved multimedia mad chaos runs, within a field of criticism will have to make a comeback into his capital. He said the 10 next year that I've been eating a huge loss of capital is exhausted. Shi Yuzhu humbled up, he knew that the experience of success tends to deceive him, he must clear the stereotypes, we must focus on reality, must take a moment to grasp the moment of truth.

Shi Yuzhu worship of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong had not to go abroad insist on the development of strategic design in the country fascinated him. Learn a lot of talented people abroad that year, the world can finally get that skill to master the situation of China Mao Zedong. He mastered the minds of farmers, land reform was launched with a strategy of encircling the cities from rural areas. With Mao Zedong's vision to see today, Shi Yuzhu see more urgent task than the Returned Overseas: understanding farmers to understand the rural market. He value of globalization has not spread to the establishment of base areas. Giant building tilt, so Shi Yuzhu see the cause of rapid changes in the establishment of the city in mind is how much humans risk. And rural areas, are all there all his career. When Li Dongsheng for 5 years "Abroad" effective to decline as the worst boss was a time when, Shi Yuzhu then spent 5 years in one fell swoop became popular, the most prominent entrepreneurs.

Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, the first in the promotion of the melatonin product is very symbolic. At first, not products, Shi Yuzhu to bring a very nice plan and take the box to the local rural one a recommend. Young people out of the village, and mostly some old lady, sister Aunt. Shi Yuzhu pulled a stool to sit down and chatted with them. Villagers initially very wary. So he changed a statement, the detailed description of the various functions of melatonin. Aunt, old lady, old man who listened with great interest. Shi Yuzhu see, that is, they usually do not care about nutrition group, in fact, deeper consciousness, the physical health and longevity has a particularly strong pursuit. But let them out of his own pocket to buy, there are still obstacles. They do not spend money on is not necessary for living things, they expect to receive such a gift, be still a little difficult to speak. Since childhood has been described to the children who are industrious, frugal, how can a mouth that suddenly have to take a tonic to build up one's health products? Old people, narrating his children excitedly returned home with a variety of gifts, most are not seen at home. If the children are out through television, newspapers know you live longer something we can enjoy life a.

Rural old aunt, Aunt who's this old man who thought, at once broke the Shi Yuzhu thinking. Thus, "Chinese New Year this year and does not receive, receive only charge melatonin," the advertisement, will continue to drop in the mainstream media sensation, the result melatonin became migrant workers who return home out of choice for gifts. Melatonin's benefits, quickly turning back to Shi Yuzhu.

Shi Yuzhu giant building that year to repay debt initiative, was as typical of good faith, the public and the media was suddenly realize, this is merely Shi Yuzhu back to the fore the image of the ad. However, Shi Yuzhu has consistently refused to recognize the repayment is to advertising effect. He re-did after coming out of advertising, only taken the trouble to describe the product's performance, so people's ears from the cocoon. The reputation of advertising very low, but the sales were a great success. Shi Yuzhu know that the Chinese appear to herd mentality, mixed with a familiar sound familiar, like work.

Brands, intangible assets, the public image of all is empty, and only products are solid, "there." Shi Yuzhu know the value of intangible things, more aware of things invisible is only dependent on tangible products, the truth will be long.

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GGhost a key recovery 09.03.08

GGhost a key recovery is based on the ghost (v11), pqdi (v5.7), tidos and grub4dos, grub2 free system backup and restore tools, easy to use. Mainstream operating system runs on Microsoft Windows 2000/xp/2003/2008 / vista sp1, and Win PE. supports Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English and other language systems. including multi-language version, mini version and CD-ROM versions.


1. Has good compatibility, ease of use and rich customization features;

2. To support mixed-partition mode (FAT32/NTFS) and the hidden partition;

3. Support multiple hard drives, SATA and SATA hard disk drive;

4. Support the same backup two partitions;

5. Support the startup item and hotkey (F9) starting methods;

6. Only limited recovery of function of user settings;

7. Applicable to the hard disk, CD, U disk (ZIP / HDD mode) start;

8. Default directory back to the deformity, to support back up to the hidden partition;

9. Support the resumption of other existing backup file;

10. Including the ghost, pqdi and tidos three kinds of kernel version;

11. To support the hard disk running under Windows 2000/xp/2003/2008/vista/WinPE;

12. Support for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English and other language systems.

Basic use:

1, Windows to operate

Backup: point "back up" automatic no interventions.

Recovery: Point "restore" automatic no interventions.

2, start the item or the hot key mode start

Backup: after entering a menu selection "partition backup", according to the parameters displayed to confirm the backup.

Recovery: After entering the parameters under the display to confirm recovery.

GGhost without changing the partition status quo.

The default backup activities of the first primary partition on the hard disk (normally is the system disk C:) to the first disk of the final partition GGhost .. deformity directory, file name sys.ggh. (Automatic mode)

銆怶hen the active partition as the last partition, the automatic backup to the last second partition. 銆?br />
Supports backup any partition any hard drive to any arbitrary partition the hard disk. (Wizard Mode)

Whether the automatic mode the backup, or backup wizard mode, will automatically resume.

Deformity directory in Explorer, can not use conventional methods of open and removed, to prevent the backup file is accidentally deleted, improve safety;

Meanwhile, GGhost support the backup file to normal EISA hidden partition and hidden partition can further enhance security.


This software contains ghost.exe, Symantec Corporation All rights reserved.

The software is limited to individuals for personal purposes is prohibited for commercial and other uses.

Installation, please advance back up important data on your hard disk.

In any case, none of your use of this software in any form resulting from any liability for damages.

GGhost a key recovery "series includes the following versions:

"Multi-language version of the hard disk version"

"Hard Style Mini Edition"

"CD-ROM multi-language version with WinPE"

1, "multi-language version"

"Multi-language version," based on the ghost version of Symantec Ghost v11 (Simplified and Traditional Chinese, English). Enhanced package also provides the pqdi based Symantec ImageCenter version, based on Acronis True Image CMDDOS the tidos version and the mini version of WinPE and so on zero volume.

2, "Mini"

"Mini" the premise of maintaining compatibility, simplified the function and operation, for not very familiar with the computer, or the pursuit of simple to use.

The default backup first active partition to the first hard disk drive partition designated final deformity directory.

When the "mini-version" does not meet your requirements, such as: multi-system, like their definition of the backup file name, path, use the multi-language version.

3, "CD-ROM multi-language version with WinPE"

"CD" includes ghost version, pqdi version, tidos version and a key to restore PE GGhost special edition, and incorporates the old peaches of WinPE.

4 "Mini" and "multi-language version of" the difference between

a, mini-version only supports the first hard disk backup and recovery; multi-language version support of any hard disk partition backup and restore;

b, Mini Edition can only back up the activities of the first hard drive partition; multi-language version can backup any partition, and backup support the same two partitions;

c, mini-version of the default directory and file name; multi-language version support to modify the partition, directory, file name and extension;

d, mini version of the user interface only displays the operating partition of the partition number information; multi-language version of showing the complete details of the first hard drive partition;

e, mini version of DOS, only the simplified Chinese version; multi-language version of a Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English in three languages;

f, Mini Edition can only run on the hard disk, not portable; multi-language version can be transplanted for the hard disk, U disk, CD-ROM boot;

g, multi-disk environment, the Mini version supports only the first hard disk boot; multi-language version of no such restrictions;

h, mini version does not support CD-ROM recovery;

i, no built-in mini-version of other dos gadgets.

Multi-language enhancement package, including pqdi version, tidos version, ghost v11.5, ghost v8.3, Mini zero volume PE and ghost32.exe, and GGhost_for_WinPE (PE-specific version), 12MB.

Multi-language enhancement package for download:

Official website:

GGhost a key recovery 2009 download:

1, net plate (provisional)

Help file (online version):

2, the software stops (long)

Sky Software Station [Recommended] [multi-language version] [Mini] [CD]

Red soft base [multi-language version] [Mini] [CD]


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In recent years, the rapid growth of online advertising business, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, the world's Internet giants such as Internet advertising companies through mergers and acquisitions were to enter the market. Domestic sites and personal websites for small and medium network advertisers Baidu and Google are mainly two. Alibaba Group, said spokesman Jin Jian Hang, and Google and Baidu different, "Ali Mama" will fully absorb the Alibaba Group's successful e-commerce trading platform operating experience, and with Alibaba's software services, online payments and search engine form complementary, comprehensive coverage of all aspects of SME e-commerce. At present, "Ali Mama" website has brought together more than 150,000 small and medium sized Web sites and more than 135,000 personal blog site, more than one million registered members, has become one of the largest online advertising platform.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Liang Wang: Whitman's China troubles

eBay CEO Meg Whitman, left the Chinese less than two weeks, the market is or has been rumored that she will come to China again, the news. Sources said that Whitman's trip to find vacancies in addition to eBay eBay for up to 1-year-old CEO candidate, will be located in the eBay eBay Shanghai, personally took three months, to work with other competent authorities with a CUP eBay's PayPal payment issue the final landing.

eBay eBay's new CEO will come from multinational corporations, rather than by the current COO of Zheng Xigui successor. The timetable for PayPal landing in China, is not later than July. At press time of this writing so far, eBay eBay spokesman were not recognized on the news, but said Whitman out of the China market, may often show up in the second half, including Hong Kong, Greater China.

Replacement of the company head office, so that the whereabouts of place, word or two, has always been a hot topic in the media track, which the parties often do not have arms, or vague, or secretive, or near, do not spare more than the article. So, Whitman This time China, whether do not have a mind?

"Soil" problem

In 2003, after the initial investment 30 million U.S. dollars, eBay to 150 million U.S. dollars to complete the acquisition on eBay. Despite eBay's global plate, son of China's strategy of fabric to complete the slowest, but overall, after eBay acquired through several scales of the siege operations, eBay has the local C2C (online auction) Company Arts, cool must so out of the market, another local Taobao C2C forces were once forced to dissociate itself from outside the mainstream of the portal, managed to support, the situation worrisome. It is eBay eBay heyday.

But then the story was not so nice.

In 2004, as Yahoo and Sina, a joint venture company C2C network involved in a shooting, eBay eBay and the conspiracy of silence the first three portals cracks. This year, one of the three portals Sohu as well as the joint venture form of Sharu MSN China portal market, has extended an olive branch to Taobao, eBay eBay is after the loss of arm grabbed the Netease, TOM, and Tencent, China online auction market, the resulting trend of balanced development of the three camps.

C2C market led to numerous more reasons oligopoly structure, in addition to Taobao and a strategy for making a free web streaming of the eBay fees eBay user outside, eBay eBay itself was too rigid where multinational decision-making model is also an incentive. It is understood that after the head of eBay eBay COO Zhengxi Gui does not have sufficient autonomy, things have to be overseas and far away in Asia-Pacific president, Global CEO, COO and other world to discuss four management systems; and local Tactics Taobao has a faster and so is the response mechanism.

In fact, the inability to adapt has led to many multinational Internet companies in China, as a little. Far as AOL joint venture with Lenovo FM365, Yahoo China before the 3721 merger, such as the recent post-merger outstanding Amazon, and MSN China joint venture in the United States Blethyn. Despite the excellent start into the Amazon after the vintage and veteran representatives of major shareholders think Mercury has attachment Lin, eBay eBay founder Shao Yibo, Tan Haiyin, also out of line management, but more international companies are not far above Far throw off their homegrown rivals Dangdang and Taobao, but was repeatedly pressed on the latter had to make a fresh start, while the profit point in time and therefore more unpredictable.

Pay crux

The indications are that Whitman This time China is an important mission, is to pay for the long-awaited tool for PayPal landing in China carried out the government public relations. Sources close to eBay that eBay, PayPal plans to enter China has entered a substantive stage, but has yet to be CUP's approval.

CCID Consulting analyst Zhanglin Jiang told reporters, leading to delays in difficult PayPal settled in one of the reasons China is good to resolve the refund issue, when the Chinese buyers and sellers to reach overseas returned goods, capital agreements, how PayPal return of capital is still a problem. In addition, China is also worried about a number of unidentified high-level money may flow overseas through PayPal, or a large inflow of foreign domestic pressure on RMB appreciation.

But Zhang Linjiang that the communication with China Union Pay, eBay on PayPal to eBay might come face-lift to meet the needs of China's national conditions, but this way, PayPal already exists relative to domestic third-party payment advantage will be difficult to expression.

PayPal is facing greater barriers to electronic transactions from the Chinese government on security concerns. Existing domestic laws as PayPal are non-bank financial services or Internet service is difficult to define innovation, but as a third party payment platform, PayPal can act as banking functions, direct control of the transaction amount, it may appear from the CBRC's supervision is called ultra vires the risk of trading funds.

How tax is also a problem. Currently, no laws on domestic C2C transactions related to limit the tax issues. China's relevant laws and regulations of VAT, although that individuals sell their used junk duty free, but filled in the vast majority of eBay auction on eBay is not a second-hand, more business in his own name registration, disguised tax evasion. If, after PayPal settled the problem is still not properly solved, will likely lead to more trouble. Whitman himself so twice in one month visit to China, and this is not unrelated.

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